
Credo Restaurant & Bistro AS
Jobb Typ
Önskad erfarenhet
3-5 år
Sök senast
Svenska, Engelska


Information about the company: Credo is a restaurant led by the produce. We opened in 1998, and have recently gone through a relocation process. We re-opened in new facilities in February 2018. In the new location, we are able to develop our philosophy, and show and teach our guests more of the way we run a restaurant led by produce - We work closely with our farmers, and we want to convey this valuable experience to our guests. For instance, we get all the dairy products in the restaurant from one of our farmers, while all the vegetalbes is provided by another farm. We also do a lot of growing ourselves, both inside and outside of the restaurant. Our goal is to be completely self-served. We also belive in traditions and preserving old history, which is included in the work we do by taking old methods and give them a new light in a modern way. At Credo, we are an ambitious team which are motivated to keep pushing the restaurant to the next level. If you want to take part in this, send an application and your resume to our email address. Information about the job: The job includes amongst others; preparations of the restaurant before the guests arrive, take part in setting the wine menu and pairing menues to the food menu, serving the guests and participating on wine fairs and tastings. Qualifications: We are looking for educated sommeliers with work experience and/or self-trained sommeliers with a great interest in wine. The work requires English speaking employees, and a Scandinavian mother tongue is only beneficial, but not a requirement. Additional information: We can help the applicant in finding a place to stay, as we are familiar with the area and prices in Norway. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment agencies.

In between 27000,- to 35 000,- per month depending on experience

Permanent and 100% Wednesday - Saturady 15:00 - 00:00 (aprox, but the hours varies)

Ange referens Application as Sommelier.

Liknande jobb

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Provningsledare / Sommelier   Göteborg, Sweden
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Sommelier/servering 2025   Hjo, Sweden